Tuesday, August 6, 2013

About the Mrs

How can I call myself a true southern mrs without offering a proper introduction? Well it's only natural I start where it all began...

I grew up in Williamsburg, Virginia and lived in the same house my entire life. My parents are still very much an ever present force in my life. I am a daddy's girl but thank my mother for making me the woman I am today. 

By day, I am a sales consultant for the largest distributor of plumbing supplies in the US and in June celebrated my 7th anniversary. What I love most about my job is the amount of time I get to spend with different types of people. I love to talk! I mean I could be content holding a conversation with a brick wall as long as I get to talk about myself! So naturally sales is the perfect outlet for me to to chat about anything to anyone willing to listen! I have also been blessed to live in three fabulous cities since starting my career in 2006. After gradating from Longwood University, I spent a little over a year living in what I like to call God's country..... aka Charlottesville.  (Trust me .... I promise to post more about this amazing place!) Then I put my big girl panties on, took a promotion, and moved to Charlotte for 4 years. Charlotte was the 2nd biggest learning experience of my life (first would def have to be college) and while I was not in LOVE with Charlotte in the beginning - she grew on me in a big way and the friends I met will always have a VERY special place in my heart. I also need to thank Charlotte for introducing me to Reid even if we met in a bar!  Two Years ago, Reid, my then boyfriend now hubby, accepted a job in Richmond and I.moved.home.... (smile, sigh, smile)     

the summer we met

By night, I am a wife to an awesome guy named Reid and mother to two dog children named Sampson and Tuggy. Reid and I were married on December 8th, 2012 which makes this our first year of marriage. I guess you can still call us newlyweds although I feel like he and I have been us for a long time. When I am not at work, chatting my head off, I thoroughly enjoy laying on our sectional, under an ultra fuzzy blanket contemplating how to get Reid to make dinner. No, that is not all I do (but close!) I love our dogs something fierce... they really are bright shining lights in our lives and I cannot wait to tell you more about them! I love picking out things that are too expensive for our 5-7 year plan house. Feel blessed that my hubby moved to Virginia, and am SO thankful for the friends and family (especially my little nephew Palmer) that we are surrounded by. I love the life that Reid and I are building in Richmond and cannot wait to share it on Virginia Sweet!

 Sampson 13                            Tuggy 5 months
Come back tomorrow to get to know the mr to the mrs.....                 bless his heart! 

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