Well I bought myself a domain name and a fancy template... It's a start right?
now what?
why did I start this blog?
why did I start this blog?
I am a fairly new bride. Reid, my hubby, and I were married on December 8th, 2012 and we have had a busy couple of years.
So why the name Virginia Sweet you may ask? Well, I was born and raised in the great Commonwealth and have really always felt a bit defined by my southerness (is that a word? who knows, I am going with it!).
I love all aspects of Virginia southerness - horse racing, monogramed thank you notes, pewter mint julep cups, bright colored front doors, Lilly and Searsucker in the summer, Blueridge wineries, college football, the rivah (river for non Virginians), peanuts and salty ham, people in colonial garb, a true sense of family and the sweet life!
Come back tomorrow for a little more about me, the mrs... I am planning a full week of southern intoductions y'all!
your wedding dress is AMAZING!