Tuesday, October 7, 2014

coming clean about the blog

So let's be honest....

 I am just not that into cooking, cleaning and most days anything domestic.

but I can throw one mean party together.

 I am late to everything and procrastinate is my middle name.

but I thrive under pressure.

It takes all I have to throw some bronzer and mascara on most mornings.

but I am also very cool with going sans makeup. 

And if we are being super real this morning, let's not pretend that I am any sort of fashion diva.

but I think some of my outfits totally rock.

So by this point I assume you are asking your self "where is she going with this"

here goes....

Those above truths make me feel like a bad blogger. But I also think it is those truths that make me a good one. Being honest and real is the only way I know how to be truly relate-able.

Lately I have been feeling like this blog has taken on a mind of it's own. It has been posting things that it think it's readers want to read instead of what interests the actual writer. 

So from now on, I am coming clean.

I am going to write about things that interest me and get back to the real reason I started this blog. Virginia Sweet is a place where I can document my life, share my worldly wisdom (or lack there of) and ramble on about my go to recipes or must have fashion pieces.

 I now realize that I cannot commit to blogging every.single.day because it is just not realistic in my life at the current moment. And I am cool with that. I don't want to feel like I have to churn out a blog post just so I have something to post. Where is the fun in that?
too much pressure. 

The real joy that I get from this blog comes from the amazing connections I have made with it's readers. I also love the fact that it serves as a vehicle for my friends and family to keep up with Reid and I. I am surprised every day when people reference my blog in normal conversation. It sends me over the moon that my husband's coworkers are some of my biggest fans. It touches me beyond belief that my parents read my blog every day. It just amazes me that people who I have not seen in years know all about the trips we take or how our crazy pups are getting along. I have you all to thank for this and I do, from the bottom of my heart. 

Oh, and also you probably notice a new look around here. Thought while I was coming clean on the content I would freshen this ole girl up at the same time. Thought she could use a good make over. Now she is all primped, pretty and ready to take on anything...

and so am I.



don't miss one minute of fun ~ follow along!
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  1. I love keeping up with you but can't decide if I like it because I know what you're doing or feel sad that I'm missing out with hanging out with you when I see all the things you do! Never the less, keep blogging, you'll love to look back later in life and reflect. Consider it a journal or diary!

  2. good for you! i love the new blog design too :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I love this! So true! I definitely feel the same pressures. I just really don't have it in me to look camera ready every day (although I wish I did!) like I feel like some bloggers do. And I honestly hate shooting photos inside of my apartment because it is never spotless & still sparsely decorated. Keep being you, Caroline!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  4. I love your blog but you're right, if you stay true to yourself and you can never go wrong! Loving the new look too… gorgeous!! Hope you have a great day :)

  5. I totally feel you on this! I've been slowing down a bit and its actually kind of refreshing to not have the pressure of posting 4 times a week! Stay true to yourself, those are the best posts to read. And love the blog makeover!

  6. Yes, yes, yes!! Great minds think a like. :) So glad I'm not the only one feeling that way. I so enjoy reading your blog and can't wait to see what you have in store for the future!

  7. I completely agree, about posting things we want to write rather than what we think other people will like. that gets exhausting so fast.

  8. I agree! I post only about things that I love like politics or current events...and sometimes those posts only get 10 page views, but that's ok. Your blog needs to be about what you love. I find it incredibly boring to post the same things every single day - and I hate when I look at my feed and see 9 blogs all featuring the same Tory Burch Sale. Celebrate you! :)

  9. Love the new look and I am 100% with you! I love blogging for the creative outlet and then connections that I've made but sometimes it just gets a little overwhelming right?


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