Friday, June 6, 2014

Five Friday Favs

Yay - it's Friday!

Keeping it super short on the blog today with my five favorites from the week.


This quote. 
It is so true that it is scary....


It's bacon week in Richmond and what is not to love about that? All the local restaurants have specials all centered around this delicious treat!


I just love Target. I went in there on Wednesday to just pick up shampoo and walked out with $50 less in my bank account. I really try hard to buy products that are made in America and are not tested on animals and Target delivers every time!
Target Finds


The Following. 
Reid and I just started this on Netflix and really like it so far! I can't decide if Kevin Bacon is sexy or crazy looking. 


This book.
I just finished it last night and I have to say I really liked it. We are currently taking a break from the Netflix series to watch The Following so it was nice to finish Piper's story. I will do a book report soon!

I want to thank the amazing ladies who host Five on Friday and Friday Favorites - love y'all!

Five on Friday: April, Christina, Darci and Natasha

Friday Favorites: Amanda

Have a wonderful weekend Loves!


don't miss one minute of fun ~ follow along!
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  1. Haha that someecard is 100% me! There's such a thing as bacon week? Stop. Not even fair. I'm going to go home and eat a pound of bacon by myself in honor since I can't be there to celebrate! Happy Friday!

    <3, Pamela

  2. I love everything about your five things, but mostly that first one... THE story of my life :) sorry, not sorry.

    I read OITNB and really enjoyed the book - C & I tried to watch the Netflix series but didn't really get that into it. Womp. We also started watching The Following when it first started, but lost track of it towards the end of the first season... it was pretty good when we were watching, though! Happy Friday!!

  3. That ecard - so so true!!! Such great finds at Target - they never disappoint!! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!

  4. I'm sorry... bacon WEEK?! I think I know where I'll be visiting this time next year.

  5. i loved OITNB the show but i heard the book isnt as good -- im curious to hear what you think! have a great weekend! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. I read about half of Orange is the New Black. It was hard to like it after seeing the show. I am so happy season two starts today!!

    PS - Not sure if you know but you have word verification turned on your comments. Let me know if you need help getting rid of it!

  7. How was the book? I hear the series strays a little bit from the truth... and don't you just love, I mean hate that about Target, you are luck you got out of there under $50, mine is usually no less than a $100, have a great weekend!

  8. Target is such a slippery slope right? I've heard such amazing things about those Simple wipes! Thanks so much for linking up girl! xoxo

  9. Love love love #1 - hilarious!! Always like book recommendations too :) Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

  10. Just found you through the link up and following along! I love that Richmond has bacon week! I keep meaning to read OITNB to compare it to the show! Have a fabulous weekend!


  11. hey gal! i am contacting people that linked up in the last 5 on friday linkup...that has since been put on hold for the summer. well...if you were interested, a friend of mine and i are starting it back up! the first one will be live this friday morning! prepare your post! :) it's going to be called "oh hey, friday!" it'll be the exact same rules. write about five anythings. hope to see you there!



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